Author Archives: Empower Pregnancy

You already know that exercise is great for your body and health, but did you know that it is most beneficial when you are pregnant? Exercise is an extremely vital part of a healthy pregnancy that specialists have recommended at least twenty to thirty minutes of moderate exercise during most or if possible, all days of the week – just be sure that your doctor or healthcare specialist has not ruled out or limited exercise / physical activities because of any present complication or medical condition.

If you are planning to have a baby or just thinking about this, it is not too soon to actually start readying yourself for pregnancy. Healthcare and preconception health focus on vital things that you can and should do before, as well as between pregnancies to boost the chances of you having a healthy baby. There are some females who actually take months to get their bodies ready for pregnancy, yet there are those who take even longer in the process.

The Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOS is a condition where the levels of progesterone and estrogen in a woman are imbalanced, leading to the growth of benign mass on the ovaries or ovarian cysts. Having the Polycystic Ovarian Disease can cause you a variety of problems when it comes to your menstrual cycle, cardiac function, fertility, and appearance. Based on reports from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, about one in ten and one in twenty childbearing women of age suffer from the Polycystic Ovarian Disease; and currently, about five million women are affected by this in the United States.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or OHSS is a syndrome that generally affects women who take injectable hormone medicines to stimulate the growth of eggs in their ovaries. If you are going through the IVF procedure, intrauterine insemination, or ovulation induction, this syndrome may occur. An excessive amount of hormone medicines can eventually lead to Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome where your ovaries end up painful and swollen. Some women can also develop severe Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome which can cause abdominal pains, rapid weight gain, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

Laparoscopy is known as a type of surgery that makes use of a thin and lighted tube that is set through an incision in an individual’s belly; this is done so doctors can easily look and examine the abdominal organs and even the woman’s pelvic organs. Moreover, this procedure is used to determine problems like adhesions, cysts, infections, and fibroids; plus, tissue samples can also be taken and used for biopsy via the laparoscope.

To be able to acquire adequate amounts of eggs and follicles for the in vitro fertilization or IVF process, you will need to be stimulated with injectable medications to easily cultivate multiple follicles or eggs that contain structures. The injections are usually given by you or your male partner and the technique for this process is easy to learn and understand.

Generally, there are two types of injectable medications utilized during the IVF drug stimulation protocols: one of the medicines is given to suppress ovulation from occurring before the eggs are removed, while the other medication is used for stimulating the development of multiple eggs.

Hysteroscopy is known as a procedure that lets your doctor look into your uterus to thoroughly examine, determine, as well as treat any causes of abnormal bleeding in the area. This procedure is done with the use of a hysteroscope – an extremely thin and lighted tube that is carefully inserted into the vagina. It is used to thoroughly examine the cervix and also the insides of the uterus; additionally, hysteroscopy can also be either operative or diagnostic.

Aspermia is known as a condition where males do not produce enough or no semen at all and it is mainly connected with male infertility. This condition usually lets a male reach orgasm and feel the sensation of ejaculation but is unable to actually release semen; this only means that there is zero semen released from the male’s body.

Abortion is the stage where the pregnancy is ended even before one gives birth; it occurs by removing the embryo or fetus before it can even survive outside the mother’s uterus. A spontaneous abortion is generally known as a miscarriage and an abortion that is caused on purpose is called the induced abortion or induced miscarriage. The word abortion is often and mainly used to refer to induced abortions and a similar method is present where the fetus can actually survive out of the womb is called late termination of pregnancy.

Having twins, triplets, and four or more babies (high-order pregnancy) is called multiple pregnancy; if there are more than a single egg that has been released during the menstrual cycle, and all of these have been fertilized by a sperm, more than one embryo may possibly embed and grow in the uterus. This kind of pregnancy usually results in fraternal twins, and when one fertilized egg separates, it will result in multiple and identical embryos. Furthermore, this type of pregnancy will also result in identical twins which are less common compared to fraternal twins.