Sperm Count

Sperm Count

The sperm is known as a male’s reproductive cell and its term has been taken from the Greek word ‘sperma’, which means seed. The sperm was first examined in the year 1677, under a microscope by Antoine van Leeuwenhoek.

What is Sperm Count?

If you are wondering what a sperm count is, it is basically the process of measuring a number of spermatozoa every time a male ejaculates; it could also mean the amount of semen which is used to indicate the fertility of a male.

Remember that it takes just a single sperm and a single egg to be able to make a baby; however, you are probably just like everyone else who might have already forgotten all about this topic from their class in biology. If infertility has always been an issue for you and your partner, then it is only best for the two of you to understand the basics of the sperm count, how long does it live, as well as things about infertility.

How Long do Sperm Live?

After learning about the sperm count, it is also vital that you know about the length of time these sperm live; basically, the answer to this all depends on a number of factors yet the most important is where one’s sperm can be found. On a surface that is dry, the sperm will end up dead right when the semen dries up; in water such as a hot tub or sauna, sperm will most likely live longer since they thrive in wet and warm areas. However, despite the sperm count, the odds of a male’s sperm in a tub filled with water are really low if you think that this can find its way right into your body.

Once the sperm enters your body, remember that it can live up to a couple of days, five days in maximum; so if you and your partner have intercourse even a few days before you actually ovulate, there is a chance for you to get pregnant.

Male Infertility

If your partner is suffering from male infertility, he most probably does not have the ability to make you pregnant; this is usually because of low sperm count and to get help for this, semen analysis is usually the very first step to treat such issues. If some people may think that male infertility and low sperm count has no cure, worry not since there is available treatment for this.

Millions of men all over the world face infertility, so if your partner is having issues when it comes to infertility, they are definitely not alone. The great news is that there are a variety of treatments available, and those who have infertility problems can successfully go on to becoming great fathers. So whether you and your partner, a friend, or a family member is going through such an issue, there definitely will be help and there are answers to your usual questions about infertility, sperm count, and a lot more.

Causes of Male Infertility

The most common causes of male infertility are related to sperm and usually, these problems are related to sperm count and the quality of sperm. The usual sperm-related problems include:

1. Low sperm count.
2. Sperm that does not move and travel quickly since these end up dying even before they get to reach the egg.
3. Seminal fluid that has become too thick for sperm to move, making it difficult for this to properly and easily move around.
4. Zero levels of sperm count or no sperm at all.

Remember that sperm-related problems may be due to too little or too much of some of the hormones that are necessary when it comes to producing sperm.

Ways to Increase Sperm Count

If semen contains over fifteen million sperm per mL, you can say that it is most likely fertile; however, the count can easily drop when your partner’s testicles end up getting too hot or when they are stressed out. Having an STI is also another cause for the sudden drop of their sperm count.

Keep in mind that a good sperm count is a sign of a healthy reproductive system and testosterone plus the great thing about this is that there are actually a variety of ways your partner to boost their sperm count.

1. Take Effective Supplements.
2. Exercise and strengthen their muscles.
3. Drink alcohol less since it affects liver function – an occurrence that gives a dramatic boost to the levels of estrogen in the body.
4. Eat right and eat healthy.
5. Try to live a much healthier lifestyle and avoid getting stressed.

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