

While searching for details and facts in connection with infertility problems, you and your partner may have seen the term azoospermia at some point; generally, the term azoospermia or also called no sperm count, is a fertility issue that occurs in men and it is when they have virtually no sperm at all when they ejaculate. The issue is present in about two percent of the male population and it is also a common contributing factor linked to the inability to conceive.

For a clearer and more detailed definition, azoospermia is when a male does not have any measurable amount or levels of sperm present in the semen; the condition is usually determined when you and your partner are somehow experiencing problems when it comes to conceiving as well as searching for diagnosis and testing from a fertility specialist. The semen analysis will be done so that the doctor can determine the number of sperm that is present in the male’s ejaculate; if there is no sperm detected, the doctor will most likely require the patient to have additional tests if it is highly necessary.

Causes of Azoospermia

The causes of azoospermia can stem from a variety of conditions and these include some of the following:

1. One cause of azoospermia is the obstructive azoospermia which is known as a form of blockage in the genitalia.

2. Infections that start in the male reproductive system.

3. Various injuries to a male’s genitalia can be another cause of azoospermia

4. At times, the effects due to surgery on the male’s reproductive system are the cause of azoospermia; these may include effects that come from chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

5. Genetic causes

Aside from these, there are also other possible causes of azoospermia such as a varicocele, various medications like antibiotics and steroids, undescended testes, illegal drug usage, and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Types of Azoospermia

Not every case of azoospermia or male infertility is the same and these should not be treated similarly. This is because azoospermia can be categorized into two parts namely:

• Obstructive Azoospermia or OA

Obstructive azoospermia or OA is when sperm is normally produced inside a male’s testicles yet an obstruction or blockage is present in the reproductive tubes that prevent the male’s sperm from flowing out. Furthermore, obstructive azoospermia can also be caused by various testicular infections, vasectomy, congenital conditions, and surgical complications.

• Non-Obstructive Azoospermia or NOA

When it comes to the NOA or non-obstructive azoospermia, it is generally caused by the abnormalities in the male’s testicles or with the reproductive hormones that control the production of sperm. Its causes can be acquired, genetic, or congenital where some of these can be effectively cured while others can easily be bypassed, allowing a male to father an IVF child. Additionally, some males also have issues with producing the pituitary or the hypothalamic hormones and are also treated by replacing lost hormones to boost the production of sperm.

Diagnosing Azoospermia

Azoospermia is initially determined once the presence of sperm cannot be seen despite utilizing high-powered microscopes during separate occasions. The condition is also recognized due to the absence of spermatozoa right after the semen specimen’s complete centrifugation that uses microscopic analysis. Their past records, physical examinations, and FSH or hormonal analysis are set in motion to determine what caused the azoospermia.

Consecutive diagnostics focuses on deciding what the causes of azoospermia are, which helps the doctor easily recommend adequate options for treatment. The patient’s initial assessment includes a full medical history, tests of chosen hormones, as well as a thorough physical examination. Furthermore, the doctor will also ask the patient a variety of questions regarding their previous fertility conditions, childhood disorders or illnesses like genital trauma, undescended testicles, toxin exposure, infections, and the family’s history in relation to reproductive or infertility problems and disorders.

Treatment for Azoospermia

Generally, the options for treating azoospermia will vary entirely on the cause and kind of condition present; if there is no sperm count present due to a specific type of blockage, the doctor will then try to extract this blockage source via surgical procedure. Yet if the problem is more hormonal, the doctor may also prescribe some medications that quickly correct hormonal imbalance; however, if the problem is basically more hormonal, the doctor will prescribe medicines to correct the hormonal imbalance or to treat any infection.

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