Human chorionic gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin

The hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin or better known as hCG is produced by a female during pregnancy and is created by the cells developed in the placenta. The placenta cultivates the egg after being fertilized so it can easily attach to your uterine walls; this can actually better support your pregnancy since the production of progesterone is allowed, helping the uterus’ lining prepare for the egg’s implantation. The human chorionic gonadotropin is made up of cells that entirely make up the placenta that supplies nutrition to the egg right after it goes through fertilization then attaches itself to the uterine walls.

Based on studies, it has been indicated that the human chorionic gonadotropin can help boost the blood supply leading to the uterus while simultaneously involving itself to reshape the lining of your uterus in preparation for the process of implanting the embryo.

Human chorionic gonadotropin can easily be detected via blood test which should be done around eleven days after conception; after the conception period for about twelve to fourteen days, this should be followed by a urine test to precisely determine its levels. Normally, the levels of human chorionic gonadotropin double every seventy-two hours, yet its level will reach its peak during the first eight to eleventh week of pregnancy. After this, the level will eventually drop and level off during the remaining days of your pregnancy.

Functions of the Human chorionic gonadotropin

The human chorionic gonadotropin has numerous functions and it is generally helpful for women who are pregnant. While you continuously maintain and enhance the corpus luteum that envelops the egg, the human chorionic gonadotropin also enhances your uterus’ lining which is highly necessary to preserve the pregnancy when the egg has been fertilized. Once the corpus luteum that envelops and protects an unfertilized egg dies, the declining hormonal levels can be the cause for your uterine lining to shed. This will result in the menstrual period, so by maintaining and protecting the lining of your uterus, the hCG will generally provide an area for the development of the embryo; furthermore, the embryo is generally dependent on the lining of your uterus until the placenta has formed – this usually occurs during the fourth month of your pregnancy period.

The Human chorionic gonadotropin Test

The human chorionic gonadotropin test is mainly done to determine if there is any presence of the hormone hCG in your urine or blood; there are some of these tests that can precisely measure the amount that is present while some tests simply check to determine if the hormone is actually present. Human chorionic gonadotropin is mainly produced by your placenta while pregnant, so the hCG test can be utilized to examine if you are actually pregnant; it can also be done as a part of your screening tests for any signs of birth defects or issues.

A test for human chorionic gonadotropin is done to determine the following:

1. To see if you are actually pregnant.
2. It is used to search for an ectopic pregnancy.
3. Checks the treatment and aid of a molar pregnancy.
4. Determine if there is a bigger chance of birth defects like Down syndrome; this test can be done together with other screening tests as well.
5. It searches for and checks on the cure of cancer that stems from a sperm or egg just like cancer of the ovaries or cancer of the testicles. During such instances, a test for the alpha-fetoprotein may be utilized together with the human chorionic gonadotropin test.

Meaning of Low hCG Levels

Decreased levels of the human chorionic gonadotrophin can determine a pregnancy that is failing; this is because diminished levels of human chorionic gonadotropin are usually examined in ectopic pregnancies – an occurrence where the embryo implants outside of your uterus. It can also be examined in miscarriages.

Meaning of High hCG Levels

Generally, there are no firm evidence stating that increased levels of human chorionic gonadotropin can cause negative effects to your body; however, there is a rare instance where the hCG reaches an extremely high level but this can indicate molar pregnancies or the hydatidiform moles – the hyper-proliferation of your placenta which can, in some cases, lead to cancer. Moreover, the levels of hCG can also get elevated due to some cancers that are not related to pregnancy such as lung, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, and breast cancer.

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