Stimulation of Egg Growth

Stimulation of Egg Growth

If you are planning to go through the whole IVF or In Vitro Fertilization process, you will need to know a couple of things that concern the procedure, as well as other vital details regarding its steps such as the stimulation of egg growth.

IVF is known as the treatment that is involved with the fertilization of eggs outside your body; it can be performed with the use of your own eggs and your partner’s sperm or it can also be done by utilizing either donated sperm or eggs, or both. The IVF techniques vary depending on your health and circumstances, as well as the approach of the clinic you are visiting. Before your IVF treatment even begins, you will be required to complete a variety of forms, as well as completing a set of blood tests for screening for Hepatitis B and C, HIV, HTLV (human T-cell lymphotropic virus) and more.

Stimulation of Egg Growth

During the important stage of the stimulation of egg growth, you will be given a daily, twice a day injection of certain gonadotropins which are hormones that help stimulate your ovaries to better produce multiple eggs. There are common names for these hormones and these are Repronex and Follistim; the stim period of the stimulation of egg growth cycle usually lasts for ten days but it can also vary from eight to twelve days if necessary. Remember that for every visit, blood will be drawn from you so your doctor can examine the changes occurring in your . A vaginal ultrasound will also be necessary so he or she can note and determine the progress of your follicles.

The Stimulation of Egg Growth’s Phase

Even before the phase for stimulation of egg growth begins, remember that your follicles will be small and usually, these will not be visible; aside from this, your levels of estrogen will be low which is common during the procedure. If your doctor examines and sees that your follicles are bigger than twelve millimeters, or your levels of estrogen are elevated right at the beginning of stimulation, it usually means that you have not yet reached the 3rd day of the process. Usually, if this is the case, commencing with the procedure or cycle will end up getting postponed and your doctor will provide a suppression check – a test that includes an ultrasound and a blood test – during the days prior to the beginning of the stimulation of egg growth procedure. This is to ensure that everything is ready for you to continue with the whole process.

As the stimulation of egg growth progresses (this is during the early stages, around the first five days), your follicles will show signs of growth but just at a minimal size; however, the levels of estrogen will begin to increase.

Soon after the phase, your follicles will begin to grow and once these have finally achieved the size of about twelve to fourteen millimeters, your follicles will start growing at a predictable phase, with a rate of about two millimeters a day. During the period of growth, you will be closely monitored by the doctor, and this could be as often as daily. The doctor should review the lab results as well as the status of your follicle size during each visit, and he or she usually updates the patients on any necessary changes needed for their medication. Frequently, the combination of the lab work and ultrasound results will either let your doctor opt to slow down or speed up the cycle – meaning, the dose of your medication will either be decreased or increased.

One of the common issues during the early period of the In Vitro Fertilization process is when the levels of estrogen dramatically rise, causing the eggs to ovulate – this being the period where eggs will be released from the ovaries. Once the eggs have been released, this can no longer be retrieved or acquired which only means that the whole process and cycle has been ruined.

When Lupron eventually became available, it has been known that daily injections of this specific medicine actually suppresses the chances of actually experiencing premature ovulation; thus, it allows for a much longer cycle as well as the production of better and higher quality eggs. For so many years, Lupron has been considered as a vital part of the whole stimulation of egg growth during the In Vitro Fertilization procedure.

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