

it is and what it means; basically, a blastocyst is a hollow structure with a thin wall that is present during the early stages of embryonic development. The cells outer layers exhibit the placenta as well as other necessary tissues for the fetal development in your uterus, while the inner cell mass gives rise to your body’s tissues.

In connection to the In Vitro Fertilization, the use of a blastocyst in this procedure includes the culturing of a fertilized egg that usually lasts for five days before the doctor implants this into your uterus. This can be the most applicable method to treat infertility compared to the IVF; additionally, the blastocysts innermost cell mass is also one source of the embryonic stem cells.

Development of Blastocyst

The blastocyst is developed around five days right after the fertilization process and this period is then preceded by the morula – a solid ball made of sixteen spherical and identical cells. As the process of cell division advances in the morula, the blastomeres (cell developed through a fertilized ovum) alter in shape and eventually align themselves perfectly against each other. This formation is called compaction and it is most likely put together by the cell surface’s glycoproteins.

What is a Blastocyst Transfer

It is possible for your embryos to be cultured until six days before they can actually become blastocysts; during this stage, it could be easier to choose the best embryos available. By utilizing the blastocyst transfer, the embryos will be thoroughly cultured in a special lab incubator during the blastocyst period, then after, the embryos will be moved to your womb.

During this period, one or even two of the best blastocysts are chosen to be implanted into your womb; and to know if the transfer has been achieved, the blastocyst should have successfully fixed itself to the walls of your womb, allowing you to become pregnant.

Blastocyst Transfer for IVF

If you are planning to go through the In Vitro Fertilization process, the blastocyst transfer will be the last portion of the procedure and it is one of the most critical parts of the process; it does not matter if the culture environment in the IVF lab is good if the physician or doctor makes a mistake and carelessly performs the embryo transfer. The whole In Vitro Fertilization process depends entirely on the proper setting of the embryos close to the center of your endometrial cavity.

For the In Vitro Fertilization, you will be stimulated with injectable medicines to be able to easily produce multiple eggs; these eggs will develop in your ovaries’ follicles, so when these follicles develop and mature, the egg retrieval procedure will easily extract the eggs from your ovaries. After the retrieval process, sperm will be added to your eggs and this will be left until the next day for doctors to see if there is proof of fertilization. After a few days, an adequate amount of embryos will then be set back into your uterus with the help of an ultrasound to guide your doctor for precise placement.

Various Risks of the Blastocyst Transfer

The blastocyst transfer can actually be a highly successful procedure to some women but it is not always right for everyone and it does have its own drawbacks. Here are some of the pros and cons of the blastocyst transfer that you should have an idea of before going through the procedure.

1. The transfer’s outcome can lead to a much higher chance of you getting pregnant compared to the 2-3 day embryonic transfer; however, if you choose to proceed with the blastocyst transfer, the chances of you getting embryos that have developed up to the blastocyst stage is low.

2. Despite having just a single blastocyst replaced, there is still a chance of you getting pregnant with twins; the reason for this is because during the very early stages of the procedure, the blastocyst is able to separate to five identical twins.

3. The blastocyst transfer procedure may not be suitable for all women and not all health centers offer this procedure. Keep in mind all clinics have different policies, rules, as well as working arrangements.

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